
What the tasle like?

What I enjoy the most in life is eating and drinking.
Many people don't seem to be very pleased to eat something they've never eaten or something sounds exotic, but isn't that losing an opportunity to try a new dish that could become a favourite?

I worked as a selesperson two years ago.
The shop was proud of its various high quality imported products, there were many customers who came from other countries, looking for ingredients to make their local dish (I would often be asked by Australians; "Where's VEGEMITE?") There were also lots of local customers who came to buy something interesting.

Due to their curiocity, the staff had to know everything;
For example, if a product contains GLUTEN, the difference between PEPPERMINT and SPEARMINT, what cheese would match Spanish red wine, and so on.

Every day was like an exam to me! In fact, some of our old customers didn't come to shop but to talk to the staff to test their knowledge.
However, I enjoyed talking to them, because we had something in common; we loved eating very mush, and their questions were challenging.
Furthermore, they asked me for advice whenever they wanted once they admitted I became mature enough to ask.

My relationship with customers was up and down yet I was grateful to them for expanding my range of knowledge.
By the way, my most recent favourite dish is haggis. I'm going to Scotland to eat a local version of haggis with a pint of Guiness on December!!