
本屋を探して2時間超/Looking for the book store for 2 hours

 午前中、バスに乗ってChairing Cross駅へ。「Foylesならいろんなジャンルの本が豊富に揃っているよ」と教えてもらった駅近辺にあるというと本屋を探す…が、住所を調べ忘れるという致命的ミスを犯した為、会う人ごとに尋ねて道案内を乞う羽目になる。
 「この辺に(以下同文)」「Chairing Cross Roadを10分くらいまっすぐ歩けば見つかるよ」…Central roadと間違え、ピカデリー周辺をさ迷う。
「この辺に(以下同文)」「ああ、地図で説明するよ。Tottenham Coart駅からこう行って…」…Chairing Cross駅じゃない?!
 2時間後、ようやく探し当てたFoylesは確かにChairing CrossにあったがTottenham Coart駅もほぼ目の前だった。しかしながら散々迷ったおかげでDavidoff(有名葉巻ブランド)の店を発見したり一休みにパブで一杯引っ掛けたり、周辺の地理を把握したので次回からの散策はより楽になると思われる。   
 目的の参考書だけではやはり収まらず、イギリスに来てから買おうと決めていたランボーの詩集(英訳版)と、思いがけず発見してしまったジョージ・オーウェルの「Homage to Catalonia(日本語題:カタロニア賛歌)」と「Books v. cigarettes」も購入。ホクホクで家路につく途中、ホストファミリーの娘(長女)と会い、今日の出来事を報告。彼女は自分が購入した本を見るなり、「ゴールダーズグリーンの本屋行ったことある?あそこだと本が半額ぐらいで買えるよ」…そこに自分の求めていた本がないことを信じたい。

I determined to take the Cambridge Exam while I'm staying in London but my English level is still not enough to, so I asked my teacher how I should study.
She suggested to me to buy a text book for the exam and also mentioned a book store named "Foyles", with plenty of English books.

I went to Charing Cross station by bus this morning, and then I realised that I hadn't reconfirmed the address.
But this was an ordinary thing for me, so I started to ask for directions from whoever I met on the way to the store.
Each person told me a dofferent way, yet all of them were collect.
It could have about 10 minutes from trafalger Square on foot, unless I didn't understand direction from charing cross street or Central street.
But I got to the book store 2 hours later.

Yet thanks to events I found Dubidoff (a well-known ciger brand)shop, and also took a rest in a nice pub with a glass of beer and freshly-baked sausage sandwiches for a while. And also I think the happnings will help me my shopping next time.

Let's get back to the subject.
I finally reached "Foyles", and was surprised by the numerous collection of books.
It was a paradise for the maniac (It's been since childhood. My teacher used to send a letter to my mother every term when I was in the kindergarden. Writtten:Please tell her to play with friends instead of reading)!
The graphic collection, Cook books and Gardening corners were especially full of variety!!
By the way, some of my close friends and I have often talked about ridiculous things: "What would you do if you got a Jackpot (3 billion yen=about £2 million)?"
I have many dreams if this were true, and another thing would be added :buying whichever books I wanted at Foyles (then I would go to Jinbo-town in Kanda where there is a place as famous as the Book Street, to do tha same, and then build my small private library, spend my lifetime reading and drinking Romanee Conti... The money would run out soon).

I bought a text book which the staff recomended, but this store was too fascinating to leave too soon.
I unexpectedly found a corner of George Orwell (an English auther)and Auther Rimbaud (a French poet):I've been looking for both of their works since I came to London.
I bought 2 booksof Orwell's: "Homage of Catalonia" and " Books v.cigarettes", and 1 collection of poems of Rimbaud's: "AUTHUR RIMBAUD complete works (transraytted by Paul Schmidt)".

I was very happy I wanted to sing.
And I met one of my host ssisters on my way to my host house.
I talked about my trip and books to her.
She seemed to think of something, and asked me if I'd ever been to a book store in Golders Green Street which sold books even cheaper... I want to believe there are no books which I've already looked for.

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