
今でも覚えているあの一場面~ an unforgetable scene of a movie


Somehow something suddenly reminds me a scene of "Oroshiya-kokusui-mutann": a movie made in Japan, I saw it when I was a child. A man was cut his leg by Russian surgeons without anesthesia at that scene, but he didn't know their language.
The man desperately asked his friend,frightening,"What are these surgeouns speaking? It's all right? Say something!!", glanced at a saw for the surgeon. His freind could say nothing for him, and next moment, he cried out for the agonies of death.
It was too strong to sleep after watching the movie, so that I vividly remember the scene even now, after over 20 years.
It's the third of my movie ranking which I feel disgusting after watching.

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