
近況報告・A report of recent things

4月1~5日までイースターホリデーで学校が休みだった為、ついうっかり自分で禁止していたYou Tubeを観てしまい、止まらなくなる。でも長いこと探していた歌手(一度フィジーのテレビで見たっきり)とか日本のアニメの英語版とかも発見できたので良しとする。もう図書館にDVDやCDを有料で借りにいかなくてもいいのがうれしい。何よりマリリン・マンソンのCDは図書館で探してもない。

この休み中、何をしていたかというとYou Tubeで好きな曲を聴くかテレビを観るかスーパーに買い物に行くだけの生活。外出すると出費がかさむので部屋に篭っていたのだが、不健康なことこのうえない。

Since I moved to flat, I could use Internet whenever so it became smoother that communication with my friends and my family too.
And I’ve got Easter holiday from 1st to 5th of April, therefore I carelessly watched ‘ You Tube’ ; I’ve made a rule to not watch it for keeping study time, and then I couldn’t stop to watch it because too interesting to.
Yet I found out what I’ve been looking for long time; a singer who I had saw her on TV once in Fiji or a Japanese animation of English version, so… Which means it’s going to be all right. Anyway I’m fine because I need not to go to library for pay DVD or CD any more. Need less to say, they haven’t any CD of Marilyn Manson, of course. But I chose a little maniac thing for my friend with my type.

What I’ve been doing during the holiday were just listening to my favorite music in You Tube, watching TV or going to shopping to the supermarket.
Because of the lack of cost for going out so that I’ve stayed my room but it’s too unhealthy for me.
I thought its waste of time so I visited Westminster cathedral and, attended Mass of Easter Sunday on 4th. I enjoyed hymn with pipe organ music in the full of cathedral for an hour.
After that, I bought some presents for my niece’s birthday and also for one of my Japanese friends who is going to France and we’re going to meet at Paris in the end of this month. I’ve got a request from her; she said ‘Please give me something English.’
So I’m going to present her-a set of MARMITE; a box of cereal bars which is a new product and a cook book for only MARMITE. I’m not sure if she likes them… It’s half and half probability.

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