
家探し、そして新しい味の発見/Flat, and the discovery of New taste


I looked up some flats that are good for living alone in internet today. It’s nice that many flats have Bathtubs whichever for Japanese. Well, I wrote those addresses for 3, and I asked my host mother how those are like. But she said “All of those are far from your school, and also not good for live. “ Ouch, it’s the reason why. It’s waste of a time that searching without help in such a case, so I asked her where safe is, and then decided to look up somewhere again.
Yesterday, some of friends and I went the pub where was beside O2 centre. We started drinking from 5:30pm (some of us include me couldn’t drink very much, for only 2 hours about, last time, because the time started from 8pm)… but stuff said us “the Happy hour is going to start from 8. “ That’s why there were a few people in the pub. It couldn’t help so that we’ve patient for it, drinking a glass of beer for an hour, two of it for 2 hours, and then, finally the time became 8.
What I tasted until 8 were Cronenberg (white beer) and Guinness (black beer). Chronenberg was the same taste as looks, clear. Guinness was warmer than another one, and that famous creamy froth and, the bitter taste and body that like coffee or caramel. What’s an irresistible taste!! To me, Guinness is better. It’s a time when I really think that I’m happy to have been adult.
Since it wasn’t only Foster’s lager but also Strong bow had been cheaper, so we ordered as soon as we were on time. Strong bow, this beer, the color was weaker than Cronen, and was chilled much. The taste was… whaaat’s this?! It was clear taste, but, anyway that reminded me the taste of Cidre as a kind of alcohol was made from Apple. I was surprised and felt tasty, so I guzzled unexpectedly, and soon ordered another one. But No.1 was Guinness, of course!

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