
What the tasle like?

What I enjoy the most in life is eating and drinking.
Many people don't seem to be very pleased to eat something they've never eaten or something sounds exotic, but isn't that losing an opportunity to try a new dish that could become a favourite?

I worked as a selesperson two years ago.
The shop was proud of its various high quality imported products, there were many customers who came from other countries, looking for ingredients to make their local dish (I would often be asked by Australians; "Where's VEGEMITE?") There were also lots of local customers who came to buy something interesting.

Due to their curiocity, the staff had to know everything;
For example, if a product contains GLUTEN, the difference between PEPPERMINT and SPEARMINT, what cheese would match Spanish red wine, and so on.

Every day was like an exam to me! In fact, some of our old customers didn't come to shop but to talk to the staff to test their knowledge.
However, I enjoyed talking to them, because we had something in common; we loved eating very mush, and their questions were challenging.
Furthermore, they asked me for advice whenever they wanted once they admitted I became mature enough to ask.

My relationship with customers was up and down yet I was grateful to them for expanding my range of knowledge.
By the way, my most recent favourite dish is haggis. I'm going to Scotland to eat a local version of haggis with a pint of Guiness on December!!


Why are Japanese a quite quiet?

Last week, my class was absorbed into other class due to a shortage of students.
There are many strong students who came from France, Israel, Spain, and so on.
I always talk to them with the full extent of power to catch up with their quick talking; otherwise, I would be quiet.
There are also some Japanese students in the classroom. One day, I listened to the conversation of an Italian a French and a Japanese during the brake time.

Japanese: Hi. How are you today?
Italian : Yeah. I'm fine. I went shopping after school yesterday and...(5min)
...But I think that's...(3min)...And you?
Japanese: Ah, well, yeah, I think so.
French : I don't think so, because...(3min)... Anyway, do you usually...
Italian : Weit. In my country, many people are doing...(2min)...
French : I don't know but...(5min)...

What I realized was the Japanese customs.
Japanese people are normally taught by teacher and parents:
1. You shouldn't interrupt people's talking as it could be offensive.
2. You should start talking after a person has finished.
3. You should carefully listen to a person's talking until the end.

From my point of view, this is why Japanede are so quiet in that they say almost nothing but smile while in a group in class. In fact, it's a bit tough for Japanese, while overseas, to find 'the end' of a person's talking.
But I must change those rules as long as I talk to them.

As a conclusion, I must talk clearly and louder than I used to do in Japan.
And what I think I must more learn is how to quickly gently interrupt.


何て偶然・・・ What a coincidence!




Jul 20th 2010
It happened when I was taking an English class this morning.
Suddenly a school staff member came into my classroom, shouted 'FIRE!! Go outside!!'
At first, I thought it was the evacuation training exercise but I soon found it wasn't. I smelled smoke as it filled up in the building and saw dark grey smoke rising from the backside of our building from the window near the reception.

Fortunately, nobody was injured. My teacher confirmed wheather anyone was misseing from his class. Then fire engines and police cars arrived there.
The smoke was raising from the entrance of the cafe which is next to our school too.

Surprisingly, the cafe's staff didn't realize what had happened until the firemen came into their shop, despite the fact the smoke was coming from the inside!!
According to my teacher, they had misunderstood, and thought the smoke from a cigarett.

Coincidentally, this was the last day of one of our classmates who came from Sweden. Her name was Ogna which means 'FIRE' in her country!!


合格 I passed it!




Last night, I checked my result that I had took the Cambridge exam(PET) in June, on the website. There was written "PASS"(80 in 100points)!!
The certificate is going to be sent to my flat by the end of September.

The exam sounds somehow very hard but it has several levels for person's skill. And PET(Preliminary English Test) is second level from the bottom so that I shouldn't boast of my success very much.
Whereas, the certificate is valid for my whole lifetime(that's different from other exam such as TOEIC).
What the exam has shown me is my recent English level and what I must revise for FCE that the next level exam: to improve my speed for reading and writing, to improve my skill for listening and speaking, etc.

Anyway, I sighed with reliaf...





"Bad romance(Lady Gaga)", "Breaking the habit(Linkin Park)", "Dance Dance(Fall out boy)" 等ゝ。好きな曲なら覚えやすいかと思ったが、どれもこれもそれなりに練習を要する上にカラオケで歌うには一般的ではない内容の曲だった。

Last week, BBC news shown my teacher, Peter had been yelling at the England football team in the pub. But this morning, he sadly said not to talk anything about football before he starts class, because England lost to Germany the previous day.
Anyway, the topic of this time is KARAOKE.

Peter suggested challanging KARAOKE at somewhere with all of our classmates in this month, at the biggining of the class in this morning.

Humm... Actually, I love singing at the KARAOKE BOX as much as I could sing with one of my friends for five hours.
But I've known we have to do in the same way: We Japanese used to sing on the stage under a shining mirror ball or colourful lights in the pub twenty years ago. To scare of me, that's very common in London today.

There would be no problem if the song was japanese one, but I must sing in English.
Anyway, I chose some songs and downloaded them from YouTube.
"Bad romance(Lady Gaga)", "Breaking the habit(Linkin Park)", "Dance Dance(Fall out boy)", and so on.
I love not only the genre such as Jazz or classical music but also Rock, Death metal and Euro beat... so all songs I've chosen were popular but may be minorities among KARAOKE songs.

Somehow I always choose a tough way... I'll break my shyness with a glass of Vodka before I sing.


今でも覚えているあの一場面~ an unforgetable scene of a movie


Somehow something suddenly reminds me a scene of "Oroshiya-kokusui-mutann": a movie made in Japan, I saw it when I was a child. A man was cut his leg by Russian surgeons without anesthesia at that scene, but he didn't know their language.
The man desperately asked his friend,frightening,"What are these surgeouns speaking? It's all right? Say something!!", glanced at a saw for the surgeon. His freind could say nothing for him, and next moment, he cried out for the agonies of death.
It was too strong to sleep after watching the movie, so that I vividly remember the scene even now, after over 20 years.
It's the third of my movie ranking which I feel disgusting after watching.


近況報告・A report of recent things

4月1~5日までイースターホリデーで学校が休みだった為、ついうっかり自分で禁止していたYou Tubeを観てしまい、止まらなくなる。でも長いこと探していた歌手(一度フィジーのテレビで見たっきり)とか日本のアニメの英語版とかも発見できたので良しとする。もう図書館にDVDやCDを有料で借りにいかなくてもいいのがうれしい。何よりマリリン・マンソンのCDは図書館で探してもない。

この休み中、何をしていたかというとYou Tubeで好きな曲を聴くかテレビを観るかスーパーに買い物に行くだけの生活。外出すると出費がかさむので部屋に篭っていたのだが、不健康なことこのうえない。

Since I moved to flat, I could use Internet whenever so it became smoother that communication with my friends and my family too.
And I’ve got Easter holiday from 1st to 5th of April, therefore I carelessly watched ‘ You Tube’ ; I’ve made a rule to not watch it for keeping study time, and then I couldn’t stop to watch it because too interesting to.
Yet I found out what I’ve been looking for long time; a singer who I had saw her on TV once in Fiji or a Japanese animation of English version, so… Which means it’s going to be all right. Anyway I’m fine because I need not to go to library for pay DVD or CD any more. Need less to say, they haven’t any CD of Marilyn Manson, of course. But I chose a little maniac thing for my friend with my type.

What I’ve been doing during the holiday were just listening to my favorite music in You Tube, watching TV or going to shopping to the supermarket.
Because of the lack of cost for going out so that I’ve stayed my room but it’s too unhealthy for me.
I thought its waste of time so I visited Westminster cathedral and, attended Mass of Easter Sunday on 4th. I enjoyed hymn with pipe organ music in the full of cathedral for an hour.
After that, I bought some presents for my niece’s birthday and also for one of my Japanese friends who is going to France and we’re going to meet at Paris in the end of this month. I’ve got a request from her; she said ‘Please give me something English.’
So I’m going to present her-a set of MARMITE; a box of cereal bars which is a new product and a cook book for only MARMITE. I’m not sure if she likes them… It’s half and half probability.



26th, Mar, 2010,






I know I'm in London when;
1. I'm drinking at the pub
2. I'm getting on a DOUBLE DECKER
3. I see cars such as Ferrarri or Porsche daily
4. I see MARMITE products or a poster of them in the supermarket
5. I see lots of books of gardening in the book store
6. I'm watching BBC news on TV

I'm really relaxed, because I passed the exam an A grade... So I'm writing some unimportant things such as the sentences above.
And the reason that I'm so relaxed is that I've sent the parcels.

A few days ago, one of my Japanese friends, who runs a selected-clothes shop, asked me to buy some English brand clothes and send them to her, which means, she wants me to be supplier for her shop.

At the time, I had been looking for a job so I accepted her offer.

Her offer was;
1. First, check her shopping list
2. Next, buy them at an online shop, and get them sent to my flat
3. Then, send them again to her in Japan
4. After that, she will pay me for them with a commission my account.

It was the first time we had done something like this and the time difference between England and Japan is 9 hours! It therefore, took a long time to complete a deal.
Anyway, we finally completed our first transaction after 10 days.

As a conclusion, I have to get used to use my laptop. Yet I studied, how to our transaction smoother.
I’m going to sort out the problems we had this time.


同志、発見/ Finding a Comrade





These days, I’ve been attending the Free lessons which are held by trainee teachers every afternoon. Even though my present level is Pre-intermediate, I’ve chosen Intermediate classes. I thought it would be good practice for me before taking the exam to move up to the next level at the end of this month. It’s a bit tough for me because there are no students of the same level as me, but fine.

Some of my classmates invited me to go to a café after class last week. I hadn’t told anyone very much about myself until then, so it was a good opportunity to.
One of them, who comes from Turkey, was a Graphic designer (and an illustrator) when he stayed in his country. We became friends soon because my former job was also the same, and both of our main work was in the travel field of advertisements such as leaflets or posters. I was so surprised when he said a Mackintosh laptop (an essential tool for a designer!) is the same price as a car in Turkey!! How expensive it is!! So he’s only used his company one, of course.

I’d somehow imagined that a foreign designer would have better working conditions than a Japanese one. But I immediately realized that there is no designer in such a blessed situation anywhere around the world… Yet it was a really curious story. Just because I can’t imagine an Italian who finishes lunch in 2-3 minutes or a Spaniard who works overnight, what are the facts? I want to ask their designers if I have a chance.

While we were talking, he said that he wanted to be a car designer (he’s studied Turkish traditional arts and design for over 10 years!). I asked him to show me his work, and also promised to show mine: I’ve been drawing name stickers of my friends since 3 days ago.
It was the first time I met a mechanical designer, so I’m looking forward to seeing his works next time. And I hope he doesn’t laugh when he sees my pictures!


本屋を探して2時間超/Looking for the book store for 2 hours

 午前中、バスに乗ってChairing Cross駅へ。「Foylesならいろんなジャンルの本が豊富に揃っているよ」と教えてもらった駅近辺にあるというと本屋を探す…が、住所を調べ忘れるという致命的ミスを犯した為、会う人ごとに尋ねて道案内を乞う羽目になる。
 「この辺に(以下同文)」「Chairing Cross Roadを10分くらいまっすぐ歩けば見つかるよ」…Central roadと間違え、ピカデリー周辺をさ迷う。
「この辺に(以下同文)」「ああ、地図で説明するよ。Tottenham Coart駅からこう行って…」…Chairing Cross駅じゃない?!
 2時間後、ようやく探し当てたFoylesは確かにChairing CrossにあったがTottenham Coart駅もほぼ目の前だった。しかしながら散々迷ったおかげでDavidoff(有名葉巻ブランド)の店を発見したり一休みにパブで一杯引っ掛けたり、周辺の地理を把握したので次回からの散策はより楽になると思われる。   
 目的の参考書だけではやはり収まらず、イギリスに来てから買おうと決めていたランボーの詩集(英訳版)と、思いがけず発見してしまったジョージ・オーウェルの「Homage to Catalonia(日本語題:カタロニア賛歌)」と「Books v. cigarettes」も購入。ホクホクで家路につく途中、ホストファミリーの娘(長女)と会い、今日の出来事を報告。彼女は自分が購入した本を見るなり、「ゴールダーズグリーンの本屋行ったことある?あそこだと本が半額ぐらいで買えるよ」…そこに自分の求めていた本がないことを信じたい。

I determined to take the Cambridge Exam while I'm staying in London but my English level is still not enough to, so I asked my teacher how I should study.
She suggested to me to buy a text book for the exam and also mentioned a book store named "Foyles", with plenty of English books.

I went to Charing Cross station by bus this morning, and then I realised that I hadn't reconfirmed the address.
But this was an ordinary thing for me, so I started to ask for directions from whoever I met on the way to the store.
Each person told me a dofferent way, yet all of them were collect.
It could have about 10 minutes from trafalger Square on foot, unless I didn't understand direction from charing cross street or Central street.
But I got to the book store 2 hours later.

Yet thanks to events I found Dubidoff (a well-known ciger brand)shop, and also took a rest in a nice pub with a glass of beer and freshly-baked sausage sandwiches for a while. And also I think the happnings will help me my shopping next time.

Let's get back to the subject.
I finally reached "Foyles", and was surprised by the numerous collection of books.
It was a paradise for the maniac (It's been since childhood. My teacher used to send a letter to my mother every term when I was in the kindergarden. Writtten:Please tell her to play with friends instead of reading)!
The graphic collection, Cook books and Gardening corners were especially full of variety!!
By the way, some of my close friends and I have often talked about ridiculous things: "What would you do if you got a Jackpot (3 billion yen=about £2 million)?"
I have many dreams if this were true, and another thing would be added :buying whichever books I wanted at Foyles (then I would go to Jinbo-town in Kanda where there is a place as famous as the Book Street, to do tha same, and then build my small private library, spend my lifetime reading and drinking Romanee Conti... The money would run out soon).

I bought a text book which the staff recomended, but this store was too fascinating to leave too soon.
I unexpectedly found a corner of George Orwell (an English auther)and Auther Rimbaud (a French poet):I've been looking for both of their works since I came to London.
I bought 2 booksof Orwell's: "Homage of Catalonia" and " Books v.cigarettes", and 1 collection of poems of Rimbaud's: "AUTHUR RIMBAUD complete works (transraytted by Paul Schmidt)".

I was very happy I wanted to sing.
And I met one of my host ssisters on my way to my host house.
I talked about my trip and books to her.
She seemed to think of something, and asked me if I'd ever been to a book store in Golders Green Street which sold books even cheaper... I want to believe there are no books which I've already looked for.


理想部屋、発見/ Finding out my ideal flat







Recently, I’ve been looking for a flat: checking the information put on the notice board of my school, surfing the internet. That’s because the term of contract between my host family and me, will finish on 24th of April.
Last Sunday, I met a Japanese female student at my host house by my host mother’s introduction. And she goes to the same school as me! She is an ex-student of my host house, so my host mother asked her if she could help me with my problem.
We’ve become friends quickly. Recently she showed me a piece of paper with some information for a flat, so that I could check it.

Two days ago, I made contact with the owner, and arranged to meet. In the evening, I was standing in front of the nearest station of the flat, waiting for the owner’s after work.
The owner was a young woman (actually, she was the daughter of the owner) and she came to pick me up. I got in her car, and then went to check the flat. There were some big buildings like a condominium. The entrance had a self-locking system, so no outsider can enter. We took elevator to the 6 floor, then entered in.

There was a short corridor in front of us when we opened the door, 2 rooms on the right side. 1 room at the end of the corridor, and kitchen and bathroom on the left. The first room on the right side was vacant, we entered there. I thought it wasn’t that big but big enough. A semi-double bed was at the end of the room, a wardrobe was beside the bed, a dressing table and a chair were next them. 2 shelves were on the left side of the door.
The sockets were… 5 of them! That’s enough. According to the owner, they have a small TV in their garage, but I can use it, if I want to. The kitchen, the fridge the washing machine and the bathroom are shared.
The flat rent is £85/pw including the council tax, electricity, water, heating and wireless-internet fees.

The place is also nice. It is comparatively safe; therefore many Japanese are living the area. A bus stop is in front of the flat, so that I can get to school in 15 minutes. The nearest tube station is about 1km on foot. And more, a huge size TESCO (a kind of supermarket), café and Japanese food store are around there. It is literally perfect for me!

For the time being, there are 2 flat mates: the owner’s daughter and a Chinese girl, studying English. The student’s room has a private bathroom, which means I wouldn’t be worried about the time if there were 2 users. My No.1 worry was the fridge, but it has enough space for 3, and moreover, 2 of them seem to hardly ever cook (in fact, there was nothing in the fridge). Yeah! I can freely cook whatever!!
And, there were some rules: It’s no problem to invite friends except boy or guy, even lover (they might cause trouble for other flat mates). And it’s No smoking, but… not No drinking! I wonder which Scotch whisky or what; I should buy for the memory of move?

I immediately asked the owner to secure my ideal flat… he told me the terms: to pay the deposit for a month, and to stay there at least 3 months, and that I could move in… 2 weeks later?! How could I move even though my term of the host house still has 7 weeks left? However, I didn’t want to give up easily. The owner was favorable towards a Japanese student (basically we have calm character, and keep rooms tidy) as well.

After that, I went back to my host house, and asked my host family. I pointed out that it was too expensive to pay a deposit of 1 month’s rent (the appropriate fees is of 1~2 weeks in England). They advised me not to waste the money and to consider that too.
I know I’m spontaneous, and they’re good-hearted. Yet, in Japan, it’s ordinary: the owner of the apartment demands a deposit and key money (reward) of one month’s rent, and it’s hardly ever paid back. That’s what I tried to explain to my host family just to make sure, but it seemed out of the question for them. I thought it wouldn’t so easy to find another flat like this again.

The next day (2nd of March), I asked one of the school staff what I should do. And then, the problem was churning in my head the whole day.
Anyway, it was decided today that I’m going to move on 20th of March.
By the way, I’ve drawn a fortune slip in this New Year’s Day. Written on it: “You’d be better to entrust the important decisions to people around you”. This has turned out to be true, somehow. Today, I appreciated all of the people involved in helping me with my problem.


観劇、そして感激/ 'Awesome' watching musical


チケットセンターのすぐ横に行列が出来ていて、何かと思ったら「ALICE IN WONDER LAND(ジョニーデップ出演)」のワールドプレミア上演の行列だった。熱烈なジョニーファンのコスプレ集団(シザーハンズ、パイレーツオブカリビアン、アリス)がいたので、すかさず写真を…全ジョニーを撮影したかったがタイミング悪く2人のジョニーが別の場所に移動。でもアリスと一緒にいたジョニーの撮影には成功。


公演時間まで周辺をウロウロ散策し、いよいよ劇場へ。平日だったせいか、客層はほぼ学生…はしゃぎまくり。自分達の席はドレスフロア(2階席)の前から5列目。程よく舞台全体が見渡せる。今回観たのは「BLOOD BROTHERS」、日本語にすると「義兄弟」。友情を誓い合った2人の主人公達は実は生き別れの双子で云々…な話。日本だと拍手だけで済みそうな場面でもほぼ全ての客が大歓声で応え、キスシーンは盛り上がりまくりラストはカーテンコール4回。すごい。次回は「オペラ座の怪人」を観に行きたい。

Ayumi, a friend of mine, and I were absent from school and went to Piccadilly by bus this morning. We did this because she’s going back to Japan this Saturday, and she wanted to do some sightseeing before then, so that’s why I shared her idea to watch a musical together.
Many kinds of musicals are shown at theatres in Piccadilly everyday as much as you waver over which the best is. It was nice for us that each musical has a ticket on the day of the performance for almost half price. We bought a ticket for £30 (about 4200yen) per adult, which was £60 before.

There was a long line beside the ticket centre when we bought the ticket. What I thought was that the people were waiting for the world premier preview of the movie “ALICE IN WONDER LAND (Johnny Depp appears)”. I saw a group who were mad about the actor in the line, wearing costumes from his movies (such as Scissor hands, Pirates of Caribbean and Alice), I immediately thought I wanted to take their picture… but unfortunately, 2 of the Johnnies moved away. Yet I succeeded to take a picture of one of them with Alice.

The opening time was 3pm, so we had lunch at the pub. The pub’s staff gave a coupon to each of us (unusual for English pubs) when we went there last time, so that we used it quickly.
On it was written; redeemable for 1kg bucket of deep fried chicken wings if you order a drink. We had fresh and hot chicken wings with sweet and spicy BBQ sauce, and beer…delicious!! We thought that we should have ordered 2kg of it before eating, because basically chicken wings are bony, but we became fuller than we thought after all.

We strolled around theatre until the opening time, then finally we entranced into it. There were somehow lots of students; it might have been because it was a weekday, and they were very excited. Our seats were 5 from the front line of the Dress floor (1st floor). It was good for seeing the whole stage. What we watched this time was “BLOOD BROTHERS”, in Japanese, “GI-KYOUDAI”. In this story, there were 2 heroes vow to keep their friendship with each other; actually, they are twin brothers who had been separated at birth. Etc.
To my surprise, there were some scenes which only get applause if it were Japan, but here, the audience weren’t only applauding but were cheering loudly for actors, and were very excited in by Kissing scene. And at the end, we saw the curtain call four times! Awesome. I want to watch “The phantom of the opera” next time.

From this time, my English teacher has helped me checking my Diary. I appriciate for her kindness.


イギリスのスーパー、そしてマーマイト/Supermarket in England, and MARMITE



 そしてイギリスといえばマーマイト(笑 イギリス人でも好きか嫌いか意見が真っ二つに分かれるが、この両意見を馬鹿正直に宣伝できるのは多分世界中でこの商品だけ。一度バスの中で見たこのメーカーのクッキーのポスターは、

It’s cold reining from early morning today, although I’m seeing a big event of Chinese New Year… Now I’ll write about Supermarket that I couldn’t write before, because I’ve a time to do until afternoon.

There is Sainsbury’s which is one of supermarkets in UK. It varies in size from small to big but, one of which in O2center is especially big around here, and this one has most of things whatever we want. It’s very exciting for me looking around there. Regardless of this one, many other supermarkets also have vast sections that are Bread, Dairy products, and especially Cheese section! It’s like as Hokkaido’s one. There are also much kind of products that we can buy those at only departments or imported retail stores in Japan, such as olive oil or seasoning. And wine too. Here is Europe as might be expected. And what a glad that I can enjoy shopping for economic price, without thinking of import tax! The price of vegetable and fish also aren’t so high, in the meat section, we can see a big whole chicken or a chunk of pork meat in fridge for £5. Yet, a can of Guinness beer(600ml) is £5…why?

What the specialty of England is MARMITE. The opinions of this product are definitely divided whether love or hate even English but, I think there’s the only product around the world which can makes advertisement that shows both opinions honestly. I’ve ever seen a poster that this brand’s cookie was;
Left: “I like, MARMITE.” / There is a child’s face drawn (He’s opening his mouth wide, waiting for cookies that are falling down towards him).
Right: “I hate, MARMITE.” / The same picture as the left one turned 90 degrees (It’s seems that he’s vomiting cookies).
I really love those kinds of sense! And I drink to their decision that agreed for the design!!


家探し、そして新しい味の発見/Flat, and the discovery of New taste


I looked up some flats that are good for living alone in internet today. It’s nice that many flats have Bathtubs whichever for Japanese. Well, I wrote those addresses for 3, and I asked my host mother how those are like. But she said “All of those are far from your school, and also not good for live. “ Ouch, it’s the reason why. It’s waste of a time that searching without help in such a case, so I asked her where safe is, and then decided to look up somewhere again.
Yesterday, some of friends and I went the pub where was beside O2 centre. We started drinking from 5:30pm (some of us include me couldn’t drink very much, for only 2 hours about, last time, because the time started from 8pm)… but stuff said us “the Happy hour is going to start from 8. “ That’s why there were a few people in the pub. It couldn’t help so that we’ve patient for it, drinking a glass of beer for an hour, two of it for 2 hours, and then, finally the time became 8.
What I tasted until 8 were Cronenberg (white beer) and Guinness (black beer). Chronenberg was the same taste as looks, clear. Guinness was warmer than another one, and that famous creamy froth and, the bitter taste and body that like coffee or caramel. What’s an irresistible taste!! To me, Guinness is better. It’s a time when I really think that I’m happy to have been adult.
Since it wasn’t only Foster’s lager but also Strong bow had been cheaper, so we ordered as soon as we were on time. Strong bow, this beer, the color was weaker than Cronen, and was chilled much. The taste was… whaaat’s this?! It was clear taste, but, anyway that reminded me the taste of Cidre as a kind of alcohol was made from Apple. I was surprised and felt tasty, so I guzzled unexpectedly, and soon ordered another one. But No.1 was Guinness, of course!


英語版日記、開始。/English Diary, start.



It’s celebrating that Chinese New Year at the central of London on next Sunday (21, February) Students of my school heard that can get Free ticket for it’s special event, at the school today, but I said by myself “Oh, my gosh! ” , when I saw the information paper put on the wall in my classroom, because it limited for under 26 years old. However, most of events and performances are free. No problem. I’m going to go there with one of my girl classmates who came from Thailand on this day.

And I called to “Japan Service” that one of the estate agencies in London after school today. They’ve have lots of lovely flats such as which a little far from school but £70 pw(per week) includes electricity, water, heating and tax!! Thank goodness!!! I’m going to sift these flats with my type, because my homestay remains for over 2 months yet.





夕方からホストマザーと約束していた日本料理を作る。とはいえ、ほとんど使ったことのない他人の台所なので、絶対に失敗しない「肉ジャガ」で勝負。しかし前日から「薄切り肉使用」とレシピに明記しておいたのに用意されたのは角切り牛肉400g…orz カレーじゃないんだから。オーストラリアやニュージーランドでも薄切り肉をスーパーで発見できなかったところをみると、アジア圏でしか薄切り肉は使われないんだろうか。あと、せっかく用意してくれたけどズッキーニは入れないよママン。










 連日の寒さに加えて遂に昨日から恐れていた雪が降ったので、耐えかねて防寒用の服を町内の商店街で物色する。チャリティーショップを発見し入ってみると、ちょうどお買い得な値段の服や靴が売られている。即購入。「GEOGRAPHICAL NORWAY」の白いフリース£4(約560円)。暖かい!サイズもピッタリ!プライムオーク(色んな物が安く手に入る市場のような一大観光地)も良いとは思うけど、「スゲー混むよ」と言われ、人混み嫌いの自分としては正直チャリティーショップくらいで十分だったりする。しかし興味はあるので1度くらいは近いうちに行ってみようと思っている。



 週末ということもあり、館内や周辺の飲食店が混雑するのを見越して一旦退館。11時半頃、博物館のすぐ手前にあるパブに入り、昼食…と思ったら「食事は12時から」と言われたので、ビールを飲みつつ時間を待つことにする。が、ここでヒューガルテンやフォスターズを頼んでは失礼だと思い、ご当地モノのIPA(Greene King IPA)を注文。常温でサービングしてくれる。弱発砲でブラウンに近いオレンジ色。IPA独特の苦味とコクが…美味ぁい!!イギリス来て良かった!その後、他の種類のビールと一緒にフィッシュ&チップスも注文。案の定デカい。外はカリカリ・中はホクホクの「食感」を楽しむ。味は問題ではない。






 昼食後、国際学生証を作るため、地下鉄で最寄りの旅行代理店へ行き、学校側の申請書と約£10で発行。これで世界各国で学割が通用する。滞在中にユーロスターで他のヨーロッパ各国も見て周りたいので、これは必需品。しかし本来なら10分弱で行ける駅に余計な乗り換えをして迷い、30分もかかる。イギリスは東京並みに路線が多い。バスは24時間運行しているが死ぬほど路線が多い…orz 慣れるしかない。











30.1.2010 sun






 昼食後、カラオケに行く。札幌を離れてからほとんど歌いに行くこともなく、フィジーではカラオケ屋などなくて現地在住韓国人の経営する薄暗い飲み屋に年代物のカラオケマシーンがあるのみ(使用料は1時間約二千五百円、洋楽・ハングル中心)だったので、本当に久しぶり。思う存分歌うか!と思ったら、最新曲がさっぱりわからない…orz フィジーでの1年間は盗難防止のため電子機器を持って行かず、インド人ホストファミリーが朝から晩までかけるラジオのヒンディー音楽。テレビもヒンディー番組。去年日本に帰国してからはその反動でジャズや映画サントラ中心の生活だったので致し方なし。それでも久々に歌いまくって気分爽快。










Let him that would be happy for a day, go to the barber;
for a week, marry a wife;
for a month, buy him a new horse;
for a year, build him a new house;
for all his lifetime, be an honest man.



